Monday, January 31, 2011

Fabulous February

It’s January 31st, so let’s do a recap of the first month of 2011:
  • We started the month with a bang! We set goals for the month, learned about the importance of tracking those goals, and I admitted to my impatience with yoga!
  • I invited all of you to join me in my journey of 1,000 miles in 2011. Have you been keeping track?
  • Then we worked on keeping ourselves hydrated, which is always important. And my favorite challenge of the month came last…the challenge to remember.


So let’s take whatever it is we remembered and keep that in our minds as we set goals for February. That’s right, a new month means new goals! I bet you guessed it…this week’s challenge is to

Set 3 goals for the month of February!
You can keep the same goals, add a new one or two, or just start completely fresh. Be sure to keep them specific and attainable, but push yourself. It’s only for a month, right? And a short month too! You can do it! Also, be sure to write them up and post them where you’ll see them alllll the time :)


So get some sticky note action going on…and let’s start February with a BANG!

~What was your favorite post in January?
~Any exciting things going on in February?


  1. Man, I can barely keep my goals all year... it is nice to switch it up though.
    This month I want to focus more on protein. And that is all. :)

  2. Oh how I love sticky notes! Haha one of my goals is to keep going yoga once a week :)


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