About Me

Hello! Thank you for checking out my health and fitness blog. I hope you have found some helpful information and that you will continue to come back for more!

I am currently a student at the Utah Valley University studying Community Health Education. My goal is to one day work for a corporate wellness company, helping instill healthy habits in people that spend their days at work. Or better yet, creating programs for kids to get active and stay active and learn to create healthy habits now.

I'm a certified personal trainer, spin instructor, as well as a seasoned triathlete and runner.

In my spare time you can find me hanging out with my family, reading, eating broccoli, or watching The Biggest Loser.

More questions about me? Ask away!

The Blog
On this blog you'll find health and fitness tips, ramblings about my life as a college student, and anything else I find intriguing! There are lots of health blogs out there when you can go multiple times a day to find pictures of what people are eating and details about what they did for exercise. Not here. I have no problem with those blogs, and in fact I read tons of them! But it just isn't my style. I'm a college student with an absurd amount of food allergies, so showing you what I eat would just be boring. Also, I don't think it matters what I do to exercise every day! I'll probably tell you if I had a good workout or something new I did, but not on a regular basis.
My goal is to make this blog something you want to read each time you come back. I hope you'll feel comfortable to comment and contact me with ideas, questions or comments. I love to hear from my readers!

Welcome to the blog!
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