Monday, October 8, 2012

Feed the Real Need

I like a lot of things. I like school and eating broccoli and running and the mountains. I like laughing and eating crisp apples and drinking lots of water. But what I like even more than those things? Seeing a family make a healthy change...a change that not only helps their health but also helps those in need.

Check out this Utah family that decided to take the money they were using to eat out and instead use it to give away to charities. Here is a little background on how it came about:

One day we went out for lunch. On the way home I was explaining to the kids why we don't eat out for every meal, that we had essentially paid an extra $15 or $20 for our lunch so that we didn't have to shop, prepare or clean it up -- and it hit me: I said, "That's enough money to buy a child in Africa a mosquito net." The kids took that and ran with it. They wanted to know if it was enough to buy a pair of shoes (yes), a book (yes), a uniform (yes), water (yes), shampoo (yes), a soccer ball (starting to drift slightly but yes). We decided as a family that we would not eat out again until Christmas and that we would take all of the money we saved and give it to charity (At this point I needed to explain that charity was the word we use when we are talking about organizations that help people in need and not just a girl in Milo's grade with that name). As a family we only really eat out a few times a month, but my husband and I usually eat out on dates and the kids and I will grab lunch every once in a while, so this is not going to end with piles of money but it will teach the kids a little about sacrifice and a lot about others' needs...

Cool, right? On their blog they give ideas for charities to donate to, as well as some great stories from the kids on how they viewed the challenge. Hopefully this family's story helps you make some healthy changes in your life as the holiday season approaches!

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